Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Aniseed is a herb belongs to the family of celery, and is also considered a spice used since ancient times.

The seeds into the oval shape and the length of 3.2-4.8 mm, color brown to gray italic and has an odor acceptable and good taste. Anise plant grows up to 75 cm in length and needs to the sun and warmth for the child but does not grow in gardens of the continental margin.
This grass is known in the Middle East, and planted the ancient Egyptians, who appreciate the quality of medical uses and rich in cooking - as defined by the Greeks and Romans, was also grown in Europe and Asia Minor, India and pain **** Iike.
The value of the food contains proteins, fats and oils and sugars, fiber starch extraction side of aromatic oils, and also contains chorine (Chorine), a substance found in all cells and yellow are particularly necessary for the performance of liver function.
- Oil Aniseed:
Is a colorless liquid with a slash yellowish properties of fruits in terms of smell and taste. Aniseed oil is used for medical purposes and also for cooking and the main component in the oil Aniseed article (Anthole), which exist in large quantities which are responsible for the August e **** flavor oil, also contains oil on the (P-methoxyphenyl-Methyl-Chavicol-Acetone) and small quantities of (Terrenes) and sulfur compounds, which have no smell lovely.
* Benefits of Anise seeds:
Aniseed medical properties is to get rid of the Bulge, or sputum from the trachea and is the result of the presence of aromatic oils in these seeds. It also helps seeds to increase the amount of perspiration and urine.
- Digestive disorders:
Anise helps to expel wind from the intestine, and it is taken with other herbs to help digestion, such as ginger, cumin, pepper and melt in water. The water Ghraib (Gripe water) used to help calm the children have colic.
Put a teaspoon in one cup of boiling water and leave the next day with coverage of the cup, filtered water from the seeds and add the anise honey, stirring well and you'll find an amazing result for the treatment of indigestion and prevent gas or mold in the intestine and stomach.
- Insomnia:
Tea, which draws from the seeds of anise useful in treating insomnia, and it boiled about 375 mg of water and add one teaspoon of anise and tea should be covered during the preparation and left to boil for 15 minutes and then filtered and hot drinks. You can add honey or hot milk, which my **** its good taste. And the times taken either after meals or before going to bed.

- White water on the eye:
Anise herb helps in the treatment of white-water on the eye, in this case are taking 6 grams of aniseed daily with seeds (Coriander) with the addition of the same grams of unrefined sugar ... Where the dose taken 12 grams of this mixture morning and evening.

- The crisis of asthma:
Aniseed benefit in the treatment of asthma as a crisis of its properties to expel phlegm.

* Warnings:
Should not be boiled seeds of anise long as they inspected the properties of the digestive addition to aromatic oils during the process of Seething.

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