Sunday, April 19, 2020


The word chamomile is derived from Greek origin, meaning "earth-apple on the ground". It is so called due to the sweet, apple-like, scent of the plant. Chamomile tea has a golden color and delicious, fruity, flavor.

Chamomile oil gets you rid of toothache, earache as well as body pain. It is also used to treat stress related disorders. Apart from this, chamomile is used to treat a plenty of skin problems. If you are facing problems due to fear, tension, anxiety or anger then you should use this oil,

Antioxidants - Chamomile has been found to have moderate antioxidant effects. Antioxidants are a class of chemicals common in tea as well as a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbal teas. Although antioxidants are not universally beneficial,
Chamomile is an exceptional drink to help soothe a stomachache. While it helps soothe the intestines, chamomile can promote better digestion,

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