Sunday, February 27, 2011

Do you know

A nerve tonic. Used for epileptic fits and St. Vitus dance, nervous
derangement or irritations. Excellent for children with measles and scarlet
fever. Promotes sleep.

Also known as Wild Hyssop. Will strengthen the nervous system while
easing depression and melancholia. Good for fever and best for colds.

Can be useful for treatment of nervous disorders, worms and jaundice.

Has a high content of oil. Good for internal use for coughs, throat and
asthma as well as external use for infected wounds.

Uva Ursi
Very useful in diabetes and all kinds of kidney troubles. Excellent remedy
for piles, hemorrhoids, spleen, liver, pancreas and gonorrhea. Also good
where there are mucus discharges from the bladder with pus and blood.

Wild Carrot
Also known as Queen Annes Lace, Wild Carrot is a diuretic, that acts as a
urinary antiseptic which is why it is a treatment for cystitis, kidney stones,
prostatitis. Also effective for gout and rheumatism.

Witch Hazel
Use bark and leaves. A good tonic, it aids in treating menstruation, lungs,
uterus, piles, circulation, tumors eyes and is effective as a douche.

Wood Betony
Excellent healing herb for bronchitis, coughs and colds. Also good for
kidney and bladder. This herb helps to correct a bed-wetting problem.

A primary liver herb, it acts to remove congestion from the liver allowing
free flow of bile thereby helping the digestive process. Also used in the
treatment of jaundice and bladder problems. Will also relive constipation.

White Oak Bark
Good for varicose veins. Used in douches and enemas for internal tumors
and swellings. One of the best remedies for piles and hemorrhoids,
hemorrhages or any trouble of the rectum. It normalized the liver, kidneys
and spleen.
A tonic for run-down conditions and indigestion. If taken freely at the
beginning of a cold, it will break it up in 24 hours. Has soothing and healing
action on mucus membranes.

Yellow Dock
Mineral rich plant, especially rich in iron. Excellent as a blood purifier and
tones up the entire system.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Herbs to strengthen the immune

The human immune system is a complex process that guards our health and provides protection from viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins. Antiviral herbs support the body's natural ability to stay in healthy balance and strengthen the immune system naturally, which is the first line of defense against illness and disease.

Below is a guideline on how to strengthen the immune-system the proper way - by making use of herbs that offer a positive impact to our health:

-Astragalus - this herb has been used for thousands of years to energize the body and support the immune- system. This is one of the top choices for boosting the body's overall immune health. It has antibacterial, antiviral and tonic properties.

-Olive leaf extract (Olea europea) is known to provide support for healthy phagocytosis, the function of the immune system in which phagocytes in the bloodstream digest potentially harmful micro-organisms.

-African Potato extract has been shown in research to have positive effects on the number of T-cells, which are involved in enhancing immunity.

- Ginseng - There has been some evidence of ginseng's ability to boost the activity of some white blood cells, which helps stimulate the effectiveness of the immune-system.

-Buchu supports the body's ability to get rid of harmful toxins through the urinary system.

-Peppermint helps strengthen liver function by supporting the body's natural flow of bile. The oils of peppermint are beneficial in supporting a healthy immune system.

- Cinnamon bark - Cinnamon is popular for its warming properties. It also helps stimulate circulation and digestion, supports the - immune system fights like an anti-body. Many ayurvedic doctors use this substance to lower down blood pressure and in reducing blood sugar levels for diabetic patients. Traditionally it is also used as a natural cure for all kinds of ailments like diarrhea. It's also great for relieving aches and pains.

-Goldenrod strengthens the natural protective ability of the body to fight infection and regulate the production of mucus.

-European Mistletoe has been shown in research to support natural immune responses, as well as helping to maintain balanced fluid levels in the body, and strengthen capillary walls.

- Hawthorne berry - this is a small red berry that grows on a shrub. It has powerful antioxidant properties and has been used as a herbal remedy for thousands of years. This berry is rich in bioflanoid which is more potent than vitamins A, C an

-Hawthorn is highly respected in herbal medicine as a tonic to support healthy circulation. Research studies have demonstrated the ability of hawthorn to assist with heart function.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Useful Information

Sarsaparilla Root
Eliminates poisons from the blood and purifies the system from infections.
Is dependably useful in rheumatism, gout, skin eruptions, ringworm,
scrofula, internal inflammation, colds and catarrh.

Is more effective than quinine and is not as harmful as quinine is. Good in
neuralgia, aches and pains. It is also one of the best nerve tonics.
Reduces high blood pressure, heart conditions and disorders of the
central nervous systems such as St. Vitus dance, shaking palsy,
hydrophobia and epilepsy.

Sassafras Bark
Often called a spring medicine to purify the blood and cleanse the entire
system. Valuable in colic and all skin diseases and eruptions.

Saw Palmetto
Useful for the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, colds and is also a sedative.
Also great for reproductive organs.

Most effective as a strong laxative.

Slippery Elm Bark
Use the inner portion of the bark. Vary valuable for mucus inflammation of
the lungs, bowels, stomach, kidneys and bladder. Will sustain ulcerated
and cancerous stomach when nothing else will.

Uva Ursi
Very useful in diabetes and all kinds of kidney troubles. Excellent remedy
for piles, hemorrhoids, spleen, liver, pancreas and gonorrhea. Also good
where there are mucus discharges from the bladder with pus and blood.

A nerve tonic. Used for epileptic fits and St. Vitus dance, nervous
derangement or irritations. Excellent for children with measles and scarlet
fever. Promotes sleep.

Squaw Vine
Excellent to take during pregnancy. Used for uterine problems, urinary
troubles and other female complaints.

Can be useful for treatment of nervous disorders, worms and jaundice.

Has a high content of oil. Good for internal use for coughs, throat and
asthma as well as external use for infected wounds.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Memory Herbs

Green tea, as well as many other herbs for memory improvement, such as ginkgo biloba, contains significant amounts of antioxidants. Ginkgo biloba contains more than 40 active substances, but the flavonoids and the terpenoids, which are the antioxidants, seem to be responsible for most of the effects. The antioxidants prevent brain from aging and improve the immune system.

This herb has been known to treat people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. It helps improve the functions of our brain and balances the chemicals in our brain such as gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate

Ginkgo Biloba
This herb has been deemed "the brain tree". Many experts believe this herb can boost mental performance, specifically our concentration and memory.

This fragrant herb has been labeled as "the herb of remembrance". Rightfully so, since this can help treat poor memory and concentration. The aromatherapy of this herb can improve mental clarity and can revive the senses.

This herb is also very powerful in improving the mood, the memory and attention of people. This herb is even used for children with attention deficit disorder to help them focus more and enhance their memory.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Herbs type

A natural hydrochloric acid (utilizes sugar of fruits and oils), thus helping
arthritics get rid of the uric acid which holds the calcium deposited in the
joints. Also reduces lactic acid build up. Good for measles, skin, scarlet
fever and perspiration.

Pansies contain Vitamins A, B and C, niacin, chlorine, iron, magnesium,
potassium, silicon, and trace minerals. Effective for treatment of the
bladder and kidneys.

Aids digestion. Effective in relieving allergies by its ability to denaturize

Known to be rich in Vitamin B and potassium, and tumerous cells cannot
multiply in potassium. An excellent diuretic and one of the most excellent
herbs for gallbladder as it expels gallstones.

Rosemary is a circulatory and nerve stimulant. Has a calming effect on
the digestion as well as headache or depression.

Effective treatment for nervousness, hysteria, worms, convulsions, joints
and gout.

St. Johns Wort
Taken internally, has a sedative and pain reducing effect. Use in treatment
of neuralgia, anxiety, tension and similar problems. Good for menopausal

Passion Flower
Used as a sedative. Gives a calming effect helping headaches, neuralgia,
hysteria and high blood pressure caused by mental attitude.

This is a valuable remedy for women during menopause. It should not be
used by pregnant women because it will bring on suppressed
menstruation. Also good for fevers, colds and phlegm in chest and lungs.

Rose Hips
Contains a great deal of vitamin C, ranging from 10 to 100 times greater
than any other known food. Therefore, it is used as an infection fighter.
Also helps with physical stresses and pollution. Also contains Vitamins,
A, B1, B2, E, K, P, niacin, calcium, iron, phosphorous.